"Day out with a Human Star" http://www.dayoutwith.com is proud to present you our next human Star- Suresh Ediga!
Suresh Ediga sat with Chandra Kishore, Founder, Indian Environment Network http://www.paryavaran.com and discussed his latest book on amazon,
You, Me & A Story: The Art of Impromptu Story Telling
http://amzn.to/2l0p3FE . Buy the book by clicking on the link. The Kindle edition is available for just $8/-
Learn the art of connecting kids with social issues using bedtime stories from a human star who loves to describe himself as a son, a husband, a father to two beautiful kids. His simple belief is that his responsibility towards society is as important as his responsibility towards his kids and his family.
Suresh shares with us some great tips on raising socially and environmentally aware and responsible kids using innovative bedtime stories. Check it below: