We are proud to feature Uday Vora, a renowned Birder, Wildlifer and Forester who recently retired from the Gujarat Forest Department as a Chief Conservator of Forests as our next Human Star. Don't miss the chance to spend a day out with a true Human Star working tirelessly to nurture and rejuvenate our planet !
Chandra Kishore, Founder, Indian Environment Network http://www.paryavaran.com shared a virtual cup of coffee with Uday on Facebook Live on Sunday June 25, 2017, 9:30 AM US EST, 7:00 PM India time. Like the page https://www.facebook.com/dayoutwith/ where the interview was broadcasted live.
A must watch for the young Birders, wildlifers and nature lovers who would like to be mentored and coached by this indomitable spirit working tirelessly to save our environment.
Contact us here if you would like to schedule an individual or group meeting with Uday to learn from his experiences and plan a fantastic journey in the wild in Gujarat!