DAYOUTWITHASTAR.COM - Day Out With stars from "Social Media"!
What is this "Day out with a Star" marketplace?
This community marketplace builds "personal and corporate brands" by sharing the story of founders, entrepreneurs, artists and ordinary professionals through LIVE social media interviews and one-on-one personal interviews that connect them with their fans and give them a HUMAN face!
What is the mission of this marketplace?
The mission of this marketplace is to mentor and support a million " Stars" by creating unique story sharing opportunities, one experience at a time..
How do we create impact?
The focus is on sharing a good story and make it a learning experience that resonates with your customers, audience and fans and makes you a better person building a great organization!
How do you pay it forward?
We are happy to conduct a "Personal Branding" interview for you LIVE streamed in social media with your fans. It is strictly done on "Pay it forward basis" and you are welcome to pay any amount per interview depending on what you can afford. Your contribution will be used to fund and sponsor our next interview with grassroots professionals in the field who cannot afford a branding department for their silent efforts!! For any donation to fund our next "star" please send us a quick email to receive a "Paypal" link to pay.
We use the money to spotlight and interview amazing grassroots professionals working across the globe whose story needs to be shared with the fans and society at large! As a sponsor, you become a part of their story!
What is the interview process?
Typically, once we receive your info we will research and create and email you a list of suggested questions that we will cover. All you need is access to a good laptop with webcam or your smart phone with high speed internet.
How long is the interview?
The interview is typically around 30 minutes and can be less. It can also go maximum upto an hour depending on the level of engagement with the interviewer.
How do we share the interview?
Either we conduct a LIVE facebook/youtube interview or we record and edit the interview first and then restream it on our facebook page, and youtube. You can share these link with all your fans.
Do we guarantee "Views" on Social Media?
NO! We are in the business of creating media content for you that you can share with pride in the social media, with your fans, friends and family sharing with them your stories of achievements. We will be happy to buy advertisement space for you on Facebook, Google etc. or you can share it on your own. You stand tall sharing space in our marketplace with "REAL" star professionals who have earned the adulation of their fans.
Can I download a copy of the interview?
We charge additional processing fee of $100/- if you need a video download of the interview for your records! Please note that all copyright for the video belongs to us and the video cannot be altered in anyway without our permission.
We are a media company doing podcasts and video interviews in social media with renowned personalities creating social impact. Can we join the marketplace?
YES! This marketplace is for you and you can use it to raise funds from your sponsors or fans and list your social impact interviews in the marketplace. We take a small commission from any revenue generated using our eCommerce platform. Email us at for partnership inquiries.
We are an association or organization with thousands of professionals as members or customers. Can we get paid conducting interviews and building the personal brand of our members?
YES! We would love to conduct personal brand building interviews for your members presenting them as a REAL "Star" in their field of excellence. We will be happy to share any revenue generated so that it can become another stream of income for you. Email us at for partnership inquiries.
I have amazing screen presence and I can take in-depth interviews networking with REAL professionals. Can I partner with you to host interviews?
Absolutely! We would love to share the "Day out with a Star" platform with you and provide you all the tools including the "Virtual Studio" and post processing help to conduct 5 star interviews with your network of STARS. We will share any revenue generated with you to make your effort sustainable.
I am a REAL Star! Can I get paid through the platform to spend time mentoring my fans?
HELL YESS! Contact us today!
Disclaimer: We reserve the right to reject any interview requests for any reason and also specifically if we feel that the interview does not match with our mission and does not correctly present the person that you portray. We cannot guarantee the quality of any interview as it is done through a virtual studio. Please check our past interviews at .
Contact us...
This marketplace is a melting pot for the world citizens who want to go way beyond social networking to befriend innovators and professionals who can help them learn how to create value in the society.
Email us through the "Contact us" page to brainstorm your ideas and get the most out of this learning experience. The future of this community depends on you!